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Friday, November 9, 2012

new blog

so guys i know i haven't written in a while but things have been hectic with exams and everything but i have created a new blog http://comicssoftwarenstuff.blogspot.com/ here on blogger right now it mostly has iron man comics but i relay want it to be a community site so if there is any thing you guys want to do  whether it be donations or your projects that you want to advertise or you want to write a blog post please email me at jordaan0@gmail.com or if you have bbm invite me at (2A23D363)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

light as spacecraft propulsion

OK so guys i have a monumental idea for you guys. it is truly epic, everything that we have done in the past is meaningless compered to this.

i propose the question is it possible to use light (photons) as propulsion for a future space craft?

 i will keep you guys up to date with experiments, research and everything needed to know about this project,

tell your friends about this project and write your comments on this topic in the bottom and don't forget my web site www.ljlabs.co.za

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

so a while ago i did a post about the ir detector by this guy commando well this time he has given me permission to do another post for beginners this is a project about light sensing leds.

 i know in the past we only did projects on how to produce light with a led but this guy actually did the opposite and is able to produce electrical signal from light which i thought was cool. as well there is no soldering all you need is two led OH YA and a thing called an arduino.

an arduino is a programmable micro controller which we will be using a lot in future projects so if you don't already have one get one from your local electronics supplier anyway here it is:

if you liked it check it out:

and don't forget my website

this is actualy the first project from my new website (2 posts back). anyway it is a basic desing that lets you charge a capacitor, and then lets you discharge it again but the difference is that it lets you controll the britness of the output led's it also allows you to controll the ammount of time the capacitor is going to discharge. if you want to build it or just want to see the video go to


google science fair

wow guys have i got something to tell you. you guys have heard of the Google science fair haven't you well if you haven't then to bad well i just published my project and i just got this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. its indescribable. you just have to try it for yourself, when months of work comes down to the press of one button. i mean you know you are going to do it but the real feeling doesn't really hit you until that moment, you cant describe it but it is something that everyone should at least experience once in their lifetime.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

my own website


hey guys i know i haven't posted anything here in a while bt i have a good excuse. i have been working on a website of my own. I know hey stupid for a electrical engineer to write program's, well i did so get over it. I'm very proud of it and would love it  if you guys wrote some comments telling my what you think about the site and how i can improve it. guys its not complete yet so please don't be too harsh.

Monday, March 12, 2012

IR Detector

hey so i didn't say that id be writing all my own projects. the is a project from sum random guy(calls himself commodore) any way.

he built this cool project where the device can detect IR radiation and converts it into visible light

i give this project  4 stars out of 5

its a good project to learn soldering. nothing is to delicate so if you mess up on some of the rails it might not be that important any way here is the link go check it out

things to remember when soldering:

  • be careful those things are hot
  • pay close attention the the type of flux in the core of the solder
  • pay close attention to polarization on the LED's and batteries but not on the resistor(not polarized)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hail the resastance

Ok this is not a violent thing, resestance is the abitity of a material to resist potential differenve (we all know voltage) and amperes(will talk about it more at a later date).

This project is designed for a beginner who does not want to pay large sums of money on a multimeter. It is esentialy a led and a battery with sum wires.

Things you will need:

  • 2x aa 1.5v battery’s
  • 1 battery holder (that holds 2 batterys aa)

It’s optional but recommended

  • 1x led (any size preferably clear)
  • 3x crocodile wires


· Connect the positive terminal of the led to the positive terminal of the battery holder

· Connect a crocodile wire to the negative terminall of the battery(two wire 1 each)

· Put batteries in holder

· Attatch the unused sides of the crocodile wire to any material

The brighter the led glows the lower the resistance(hey I didn’t say this was perfect did I)

The final sensor should look like this

<>= electrodes (attatch to surface)

(+) = positive terminal

(-) = negative terminal

(-->l--) = led

(+)------------<> <>----------(-->l--)-------(-)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Throwie

This is my first tutorial of the site it, will be based on the led “throwie”.

This project is extremely simple, and beautiful in its simplicity.

Things you will need:

  • 3v watch battery (those flat ones)
  • Led (any colour any size just watch the current)
  • Magnet
  • Tape


  • 1: take battery and led
  • 2: put led and battery in contact (make sure the led lights up)
  • 3: secure battery and led with tape

  • 4: secure magnet to the battery with tape(any side)
  • 5: repeat previous steps till you have a army

The throwie’s are designed to be thrown at a metallic surface and they will stick try it for yourself

the beggining

This will be my first post:

I don't even know if this post will ever be read by anyone other than me but here goes.

I was once like you, I to fell in love with electronics at a very early age. When I was 9 I began experimenting. I was always curious. I always wanted to make a difference. Be known. Leave behind a legacy. I am now 16 and have been teaching myself electronics now for 7 years. It has mostly been trial and error. I have been greatly restricted in the past due to components but in this blog we will hopefully try to bypass those restrictions.

I realise that kids surfing the web will most likely read this blog and I know how much you hate reading so I will keep reading to a minimum in my later posts and tutorials.

I hope that you people like my blog and please tell your friends. I realise that it is scary to tell people about this hobby, but once you realise that this is probably going to be a career for most of you people one day you will feel a lot more open about expressing yourself and your work will grow greatly.